Congrats on Completing the 5-Day Drop!! 🎉

We have a FREE gift for you...


You just got done dropping it like its hot for 5 days and now you know you can do ANYTHING!!

Ummm pat your self on the back you bad thing! 

Look at you!  Dropping weight & going on dates!


But you're not ready to go back to the way you were 5 days ago ammmiiiiirrrriiighttt?

Of course not!

You want to build on the momentum that you finally have!

Think about it...

Most people would dream of having the results that you've been able to achieve in just 5 days...

Heck, a week ago you were even skeptic that this would even work.

But it did work! More importantly... you finished.

Which means... you can trust yourself that when you decide...

Oh M Geee the World ain't ready are they!

And here you are probably 5+ pounds lighter, more energy, healthier, more vibrant, maybe even feeling... sexy for the first time in a long time.

Oops did you just read that?  Yea. yea ya did.


Let's continue.

Now being your virtual motivation coach, i told you originally that we had a plan beyond the 5 days but wanted to help you get results first, remember?

And we got you those results, see?

Well you got you those resu...

uggh nerver mind. you get it!

So, you're next step is to move to phase 2 of the program and you'll be able to repeat the 5 day drop anytime you want, if you need to lean out a little bit before a wedding, or pool party, or vacay, you name it.

And that's why we call phase 2...

and don't stress my friend.... we have a platinum selling rap song coming for Phase 2 very soon as well

But for now, let's keep the health & wellness party that you're currently throwing... GOING!!

Your next best move is to contact the coach that intro'd you to the 5 day drop and get your Phase 2 products ordered which we call...


(Now do you get the lean with it, drop with it?)

Yea. It just feels right doesn't it.


In phase 2 you'll get to use a few of my favorite products

  • TRIM: Award winning weight loss innovation tool that delivers a clinical dose of CLA & our patented collagen while tasting like chocolate brownie batter
  • BURN: Natural & gentle metabolism booster that was created by the former CEO of GNC! It's da bomb!
  • ACTIVATE: A beautiful iridescent green aloe vera based cleanse drink you'll do your first 3 nights

+ you can also add my favorite:

  • ENERGY DRINK: Called GO that comes in 3 flavors and uses asparagus powder combined with b-vitamins to get you in the flow state
  • LIQUID COLLAGEN: Called BIOCELL that will make your skin more vibrant, reduce wrinkles, and make your hair grow like a dang chia pet sister or brother.

Now I know that you know, that we know, that you know, that we know what we're talking about at this point so there's no risk to you right?

Our advice flat out works.  It's science.

And you're living proof of that!

I would at the very least get the lean body system going and if you're feeling froggy add my fav energy drink & an extra dose of collagen.

& personally when i'm feeling froggy... I JUMP! How bout you?

So text the coach that introduced The 5-Day Drop to you and tell them you're ready to:

And get your Phase 2 products ordered FAST so that you can keep looking even more fabulous. 

Oh no, what about the price? 😱

Look, we both know your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, hubby, significant other, etc isn't going to be mad if you keep looking gooder and gooder! 

(yes that was on purpose, STAY FOCUSED)

So no need to worry about what they would think.

That'd be like, if you were a cloud asking the desert if you could rain.

That'd be like, if you were Tylenol asking if you could take away da pain!

That'd be like, if you were a smart comment asking if you could REFRAIN!!!!!

Oh lord don't stop me 😆

But do. Do stop me.

Look the answer's: YES!!!

Merely 5 days ago you told yourself YES and look what happened to you?  Turned into a dang super model! Stopping traffic everywhere you go.  Became the talk of the town!  People wanting your autograph now!  Angels tearing up in heaven pointing at you singing "it's glorious, its glorious" 

It's crazy!  I know!

It's a lot to handle wit you're new bad self! 

I get it!


Is it okay if i make it even better?

Hopefully the person who told you about the THE DROP won't be mad, but did you know you can get all of dem products i just mentioned for up to 30% off every month


You can get free shipping?

Yasssssss! It's crazy. But it's true boo boo.

So, make sure you ask them about that, too.

OMG another rhyme!

Now you know it's time to:

my friend Jennifer will tell you all about it and where to get that freebie

Free Gift for completing at

Ready for Phase 2?

These are two great options for your phase 2 to help you continue leaning out and dropping body fat. Then you can simply repeat the 5-day drop as needed.

add Lean Body System

add Liquid Biocell

Text your coach and they can help you get these ordered